Sandra Richardson-
NSF EPSCoR – Enabling Education, Outreach & Diversity Through Geographic Engagement
Erika Check Hayden –
Training Students to Communicate with Diverse Audiences
Daniel Mele –
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Ideas… And So Is Good Design
Elisa Bryan –
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Ideas… And So Is Good Design
Lawanda Cummings & Verleen McSween-
An HBCU’s Research Resiliency and Capacity During COVID-19: Leveraging Support Structures
Neval Erturk-
Development of Three Innovative STEM Outreach Models in a Small University
Nishika Edwards & Thomas Nathanial –
An Assessment of the Impact of the Individual Development Plan on Undergraduate Medical STEM Students
Sambit Bhattacharya & Bogdan Czejdo-
STEM Engagement Through Use-Inspired Research in Artificial Intelligence at the Intelligent Systems Laboratory
Sandra Cruz-Pol-
Overview of the EEC Division at NSF (Engineering Education & Centers)
Tina Moore-
The K-12 to Postsecondary STEM Continuum: Ensuring a Highly-Skilled Future Workforce
Alicia Knoedler –
NSF GRANED: Creative Solutions to Broaden Participation in New Ways
Brittany Van Der Werff –
Social Media Hacks
Li Cai –
Integrative Student Research to a Wider Audience – Teaching
Raymond Burns / Mel Ustad / Sarah Penney-Jackson –
Cultivating Indigenous Research Communities for Leadership in Education and Stem
Bert Ely-
Making a Difference, One Student at a Time
Clint Coleman-
Ideas Are Easy, Implementation is Hard. Lessons Learned from Our NASA Astro Camps
Emily Wendte-
Communicating Science Through the Lens of Culture and Identify
Prakash Nagarkatti-
A Comparative Longitudinal Study of Research Outputs in EPSCoR Versus Non-EPSCoR States
Rebecca Shearman-
Advancing Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships
Ivan Dungan-
Bringing Out the Math in Stem